Quantum Terahertz Testing Report

Sept 21st 2024   Exciting News 

Fast Results: No urine, stool or blood sample required. No waiting

Eye opening! State of the art new technology. Two brand new technologies to help you repair, recover and rejuvenate all of your being. Let me impress you with Quantum Healing.

A must experience to eliminate pain, discomfort and promote healing. No urine, stool or blood sample required. No waiting. Plus you receive your impressive complete health report emailed directly to you,  consisting of about 120 pages for you to continue your studies, selfcare and to finally know what’s up and exactly where to focus.

1st we analyze your entire bodies symptoms using the Quantum Analyzer then we supercharge your weak areas with the Terahertz Device to stimulate blocked stem cells through painless, pleasurable and very soothing warm electromagnetic heat waves.

Quantum Healing: Introducing our Quantum Magnetic Resonance Analyzer, analyzing your entire bodies systems for its weakened areas.

Emailed Tested results are: Cardiovascular and Cerebrovascular,

Functions: Gastrointestinal, Large/Small Intestines, Liver, Gallbladder, Pancreas Kidney, Lungs, Brain/Nerves.

Bones: Disease, Mineral Density, Rheumatoid, Osteoporosis, Growth Index

Blood Sugar, Trace Element, Vitamins, Amino Acids, Coenzymes, Fatty acids, Endocrine System, Human Toxins, Heavy Metals, Allergies.

Immune System, Immunity, Eyes, Thyroid, Obesity tissues, Pulse of heart/brain, Respiratory, Lecithin, Fatty Acid, Blood lipids, Skin, Collagen, Channels/Collaterals

Male Sexual Function, Sperm/Semen, Prostate, Female hormones, Gynecology, Breast, Menstruation.

Basic Physical Quality, Element of Human Emotions, Expert Analysis Report, Hand Analysis Report, and finally your Comprehensive Report.

 Terahertz Therapy Technology uses electromagnetic heat waves that penetrate deep into the body reaching the bone marrow. Improving the blood flow and strengthening the immune system. 

Benefits may include  some or all of the following:

1. Eliminate Unhealthy Cells.

2. Activate Dormant Cells.

3. Increase DNA healing.

4. Clear Meridian & Lymph nodes.

5. Improve Blood Circulation.

6. Regulate Endocrine Glands and Organs.

7. Removes water tension and Blood Impurities.

8. Strengthen stem cells.

Its written in the bible that once our blood is purified our whole body heals.

Terahertz Therapy is repeated 2-5 times a week until maximum improvement is seen. Then a maintenance regimen is often prescribed to prevent recurrence.

At-home care is also an option as you progress through your treatments.

Being Bliss Quantum Therapy School of Metaphysics
Landline #1-250-458-2222 Cell#1-604-819-6555

New Location Now open for treatments, including a personalized gift shop offering local honey, hemp hearts, coffee beans, treasures, antiques, 2nd hand goods and all natural products,

3830 #1 TransCanada highway Bighorn, B.C. Canada V0K-2L0 Being Bliss Certified International, “You can heal your life” coaching. Available 7 days a week upon Appointment to be pre-booked no sooner then 24 hours.

We also travel for healings, treatments and seminars in your area.

1st treatment is $150 then the next 10 treatments are only $40 each. Grand opening special. The new you is just a phone call away. 🤕🤗☺️

No urine, stool or blood sample required. No waiting,

Miracles keep happening

It is written where the blood is purified the body easily heals itself.

Where the mind is pure, the body is pure