Heal your life courses

Week 1: Deservability
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We all want many things in our lives and we often wonder why we don’t get those things. We wonder why our affirmations do not manifest. Deep inside, if we do not believe that we deserve what we want, we subconsciously create all sorts of blocks so that we do not achieve what we want. We end up settling for less than what we truly desire, as a result of our limiting beliefs.

Sometimes when we do get things we desire, we feel guilty or fearful and wonder ‘Do I really deserve this?’ A big part of it has to do with the concept of deserving, or as Louise Hay terms it – Deservability.

The belief that we are not deserving may come from our early childhood experiences. Perhaps we were told that we could not have what we wanted if we did not eat all our food, clean our room, or put our toys away, or behave as expected. Perhaps ‘being good’ meant that we could be deserving. In embracing the belief that we need to work hard to get something, we could be buying into another person’s limiting belief – a thought, story, or belief that has nothing to do with our own reality.

To achieve our goals and manifest our desires, it is necessary to work towards dissolving our limiting beliefs and take action to create the best life that we truly deserve.
Lesson Topics

Deservability Exercise
Deservability Meditation
Decide What You Want!
My Deservability Level
Deservability Treatment


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