Weekly Certified International Coaching Group & 1 on 1

Welcome to You can heal your life weekly group coaching, we meet on Mondays your choice 11 am or 7 pm, each week is a different topic.
I will email your  link ahead of time.
Samples of topics.:
Truth or consequence,
To say or not to say, to do or not to do.
Expanding your heart.
Listening to your heart and living your calling.
Moving on, up and forward.
Gaining insights.
Expanding your horizons.
Living free.
Saying good bye
Opening doors
The truth about forgiveness.
or email here, To join, email ascendingpathways@gmail.com  include morning or evening request.
Choose Am or Pm(required)

A Heal Your Life ® Coach as Sanatra is, can help you improve EVERY area of life – relationships, health, financial well-being, business success, spiritual growth, and overall living life more fully. She or he is uniquely equipped to listen deeply to what you want and guide you in moving in the direction of your dreams.

A Heal Your Life Coach is like a gardener of peoples’ lives, weeding, nurturing, and nourishing his or her clients, encouraging them to grow in their own way and bloom in their own colors. Many people talk about what they want and never take the steps to get there. There are many different reasons: limiting beliefs, not believing it’s possible, lack of emotional, mental and spiritual skills, not being able to set priorities and manage activities, and procrastination. Heal Your Life ® Coaching can help you overcome all of these blocks.

Life coaching is one-to-one consultation with a trained coach who can guide you in making life changes. Although you may decide to hire a coach for a particular issue (like finding a new career), the process is designed to help you assess your entire lives. Sanatra your HYL life coach provides a sounding board when choices are faced, helps you move beyond self-imposed limitations, and supports and encourages when challenges arise.

A coach assists you to trust yourself in your life path and decision. Heal Your Life Coaches promote the development of inner skills like meditation, visualization, and affirmations, more than other coaching programs. While the Law of Attraction concept is a part of many coaching programs these days, Louise’s work has always included this concept. Benefits of Heal Your Life Coaching:

  • you can achieve goals faster
  • you learn the mental, emotional, and spiritual life skills for balance and success in every area
  • you learn and use techniques to clear the past as well as deal with any current life challenges that arise
  • you have a supporter and champion for achieving your full potential
  • you develop a deeper intuitive/spiritual connection
  • you learn how to focus on your strengths and abilities

Life Skills Counselling Emotional Guidance “Sanatra there is no amount of money I could pay you for the help you gave me today, thank you.” Carol, Chilliwack, April 1st 2021

Deep Emotional Guidance Immediate Confidential Support Embracing the new you, harnessing your hire abilities
Are you ready to use your weaknesses as your strengths. Have you been suffering with grief depression suicide, anger
Frustration, despair, loss, abandonment, embarrassment disgrace, revengeful negative thoughts. Sri Sanatra Certified Licensed, Registered International Coach & workshop teacher, helps you balance back into a greater you by pulling your resources and getting to the seed of your important issues helping you Re:center and hear your true heart.

Learn how to strengthen your weaknesses and use them as stepping stones to help you achieve your true desires.

We use 35 years of guided experience, perhaps we can include, Astro charts, inner journey and chakra tuning forks. After treatment you may feel closer to your heart, lighter and brighter. Let’s enlighten your issues together, I’m here for you.

In person one on one or video calling anywhere in the world. Pricing for coaching combined with energy balancing.

30 minute session $111.77

One 60 minute session $177

3-60 minute session $477

10 – 60 minute session $1477

20 – 60 minute session $2577

30 – 60 minute session $3377

52 – 60 minute session $5000

Ad on to help keep you on key.

Daily texting support: morning, evening and when you need it the most. Included: is a reply or clarifications, during the conversation. Or personal affirmation, or personal topic requests.

10 texts a month $400

20 texts a month $700

30 texts a month $900

60 texts a month $1500

We work together in finding the best times for us to achieve your goals.

Sanatra has over 30 years counseling experience and fuels through over 200 healing modalities to gently guide you into your inner awareness harnessing your true power and peace of mind. Completing You Can Heal Your Life, certified international coach/teacher training. Emotional guidance, balancing and healing. Soul memory and awakening. Freeing you from habitual repetitive patterns. Anger, trauma, guilt, sorrow, depression, anxiety, stress. Require immediate assistance? “Out of the Blue is now available on e-book order your chapters here. Relax in our safe unique environment to finally move through your treasured past and learn how to use the old to lift you into the you, you deserve and have been desiring. Heal your life Online and group, Courses coming in December 2021 designed to give you an incredible experience of deepening your inner journey. Through this course, you will get to use carefully crafted reflection exercises, videos, meditations, visualizations, and affirmations that will help you uncover past layers of conditioning, identify limiting beliefs, and release behaviors caused by lack of self-love. This experience is the greatest gift you can give yourself. These powerful tools allow you to acknowledge your true power, in achieving the love, the prosperity, and the relationships you’ve been longing for. Even though you may have worked with these issues before, there is always more to uncover and release, allowing you to welcome more good on every level into your life! Try an introductory private session for $150. Time span is pending.
“ I experienced a chakra tuning meditation and coaching with Sanatra that allowed me to CONNECT with my higher self and left me buzzing on love! Sanatra is welcoming, kind and very knowledgeable. Her sense of calm allowed me to feel comfortable and centered. I appreciated her holistic approach to healing and her suggestions to future CONNECT with myself after our session.” Julie Marrast Victoria, BC Certified International hero & HYL Coach.

Text call or use our online booking to help you feel better now.

 don't put it off any longer. Please text me for a specific time.

Would you like a consultation or desire daily, twice a day or even 3 times a day guidance or weekly and monthly?


Text, email or call. 1-604-819-6555 ascendingpathways@gmail.com

My favorite enlightening movies

  • Out on the limb – Shirley McClain
  • The Secret
  • Avatar
  • Micheal – John Travolta
  • The Matrix
  • Celestine Prophecy
  • Spirit Science on YouTube
  • Dark Crystal (animated)

minimum 24 hour notice is required.604-819-6555 1250-458-2222 ascendingpathways@gmail.com

Navigation to website pages: Home page, Giftshop, local honey, sacred items, 2nd hand goods Massage, Chakra balancing, MetaphysicsCounselling, You can heal your life workshops / guidance, REIKI INIATIONS B & B, Alternative, Holistic, moon phases Astrology, Testimonies, Reiki, Munay-Ki, Black Pearl, Cranial Sacral, Healing, Sanatra, Metaphysical, natural,11:11, Channeling, Tarot, Ascension, ear candling, Menstruation, Goddess, fertility, Enlightenment, Out of the Blue book series, Self help, Self Healing, Meditation, Yoga, Tipi, Teepee, Hands on Healing, Shaman, Crystals, Smudge, Depression, Grief, House Clearing, Karmic karma clearing Grid Work, World Peace Meditation, Rainbow, CCMBA, IHAS, Chakra tuning forks, Meridian, Alignment, Help, Anger, Stress, DJ Weddings, Parties, Karaoke,