Ayahuasca or Peyote Medicine

You can reach all of divine states through meditation and transcendental mediation without the use of external aids. However sometimes we have a calling to experiment with sacred ancient customs to help give us a boost on our spiritual path. We offer private ceremonies by request only. If you would like to be invited to one email us to be notified.

  • Chance of a lifetime
  • Ayahuasca/feminine or Peyote/masculine Ceremony Retreat
  • Chance of a lifetime Private Retreat
  • Limited Seating Tipi in Chilliwack
  • Rare and sacred gatherings to assist you on your spiritual journey through enlightenment in a 24″ Tipi

The person who penetrates through matter never comes back the same. Purify your

consciousness and overcome your obstacles. Shift your consciousness and open your inner gates to experience a taste of divine wisdom and help expand your consciousness. Call or text for information on dates. You may participate as a Seer if you do not wish to drink the medicine for a contribution of $100. Join in the chanting, praying, rituals, and help oversee the Soul Expanders with any needs they may have.

Ancient Ayahuasca or Peyote medicine? We want all who have the calling to be able to participate in this divine meditationbliss om

experiences. Call text or email for possible future dates, to reserve your sacred seat and contribution information.

Ayahuasca medicine is the mother vine from South America (feminine) who helps bring you into the inner world to face your fears and blocks so that you may heal and balance your being to live your destiny. An opportunity to move from the conscious sufferings of ego to the inner contentment of peace. Mixed with Chacruna leaves to heighten your experience

and long ceremonial brewing process. Used in the churches for 1000’s of years, is known to help disorders from depression – addictions.

Peyote medicine is from our southern North American region (masculine). Peyote are cactuses or “crowns.” When you walk upon magic or sacred medicine in the natural wilderness, pick only those upon your path, that is the perfect amount for you to experience your sacred journey, the correct amount to assist you into opening and receiving that which you require. Peyote assists in bending or transcends matter. Each and every journey is incredibly different. Is known to help disorders from anxiety to schizophrenia.

Before your journey we hold a sacred ceremony to prepare you mentally, physically emotionally and mentally. Involved is powerful drumming ,in unison creating a hive mind, praying, meditating and going within. We invite you to bring forth you

r questions, hopes and desires.

Water, pure fruit juices and herbal teas will be served. We have thistle root tea available to help bring you back if you feel you have gone within too far or to help you ground back into your body.

Directions and prep will be sent after you reverse your seat, please email call or text for more information.

Read below for a transcript from our experienced teacher Miguel.

To heighten your experience we recommend refraining from all drugs, alcohol, processed foods, meats and sex, at least five days before. And definitely 24 hours before.

Did you know the tipi is now available for bookings you own Tipi & B and ceremonies. Weekly courses and gatherings for Meditation, Reiki, Munay Ki, Soul Alignment & Black Pearl.


We want all who have the calling to be able to participate in this divine experience. call text or email for suggested contribution and to reserve your sacred seat. Ayahuasca is the mother vine from South America who helps bring you into the inner world to face your fears and blocks so that you may heal and balance your being to to live your destiny. An opportunity to move from the conscious sufferings of ego to the inner contentment of peace. This one time approximate 12-17 hour event. Very limited seating will book up fast. 6048196555 Involved is powerful drumming, praying, meditating and going within. Water, pure fruit juices and herbal teas will be served. Directions and prep will be sent after you reverse your seat, please email call or text for more information. Read below for a transcript from our experienced teacher Miguel Kalvin. To heighten your experience we recommend refraining from all drugs, alcohol, processed foods, meats and sex, at least five days before. Did you know the tipi is now available for bookings you own Tipi B & B and ceremonies. Weekly courses and gatherings for Meditation, Reiki, Munay Ki, Soul Alignment & Black Pearl will be staring this September.https://youtu.be/je4D3Rt9SKMI am Miguel Kavlin and I was born the beautiful land of Bolivia since I was young I started in the spiritual path without a teacher having direct experience with the divine presence. But then I understood that just having an experience is not enough. But one wants to be in the Divine presence all the time so I knew I had a lot to learn and a long path to walk so I looked for a teacher and that carried me eventually to find this place. We are now gathered in Shamanic Healing and Training Retreat BOLIVIAN ANDES. Because when we negated this place the reason we did it because we had out of mystical revelation during an equinox we’re through a revelation through the Condor and the light of the Sun, an actual condor flying over head. Though a violet flame, we were instructed to do our work here. Many years after working with many different traditions. This has always been a place of many different traditions, because we have always known that our path is to integrate the different traditions that are now accessible to us from all over the world, that used to be secrete before. So we have teachers from various lineages, from native North American, Amazonian, Andean, Tibetan Sulchen and now the Sekh devotional Baba G. So it is vital to have the presence of an enlightened master that can shake us out of our complacency. That makes us believe we are moving forward in the path, but we are not. I had always wondered what is there to the condor and eagle prophecy that one keeps on hearing about. So one time there in our ceremony there in our kiva. On the altar was a painting that my teacher gave to us, of the condor and the eagle. I decided to pick up two feathers, the condor and the eagle and hold them in each hand and I did have a leap of consciousness and mystical revelation and I said out loud, yes now the eagle and the condor have finally definitely met and a few seconds after we had this incredible presence manifest in the kiva, that was so sacred, so overwhelming, so blessed, so perfect, so graceful, that I couldn’t do anything but prostrate myself on the floor knowing that I was in the presence of the divine. It was this presence that has been accompanying us through all the various ceremonies through the different traditions that we hold and it’s been helping us to purify our consciousness and to overcome our obstacles. It is that energy that I am convinced later on that brought us met Baba G who is the last teacher that I met and who is the embodiment of that energy, which is the energy of the messiah. Oh a new time of heaven on earth of paradise. That we are all seeking and are destined to embody. So In the way that we work with shamanism is to embody the universal consciousness. That is the goal and at the very least, to be able to get a taste of grace and enlightenment so that we can begin to seek it every day of our lives. In order to do that and experience that state we have to start to remove some of our karma, our traumas, All the things that keep us tied to suffering such as pride, ego, envy, lust, greed, hatred, etc. All those things, all those poisons which ah hold us to suffering. In shamanism there are a very many different techniques such as the sun and moon dance which is three days, no food, no water or taking psychoactive substances, sacred substances, sacred divine substances such as San Pedro, ayahuasca, which break the barriers of our subconsciousness, and push us way beyond our comfort zone. In this version of shamanism we definitely push ourselves beyond the level of comfort. And are faced with our truth and are thereby helped by spirit to liberate many of our problems that don’t allow us to be our better selves and to be in harmony and to flow spontaneously. And be one with the divine. And manifest our true destiny. Again however each shamanism most of the practitioners as well of the practitioners of any religion. Most practitioners practice in the ways that are helpful to people, that provide them some guidance, that help make them have better lives. But there are very few and far in between and precious and rare individuals that have accessed the transcendent that are truly serving the divine consciousness, the absolute transcendence, the enlightened mind. And have really touched into the cosmic consciousness. Humbleness is vital, the devotion, the surrender, the will to obey a will that is not ours. Submit our will to the divine will. If we can connect with the truth then we let it flow spontaneously from within. The tow already said it when everything flows perfectly within makes for a harmonious whole. That is my hope for humanity the messiah, the katch acute, the new time. That is a time of harmony and peace on when each of us can leave our egos aside and serve the divine will the spontaneous liberation that tochen speaks about. The mystical union with God that sikhism speaks about. So all who are called, who feel the calling to receive the light. To allow that light to transform us, to surrender to that light, so that we may be able to come to the light and be able to light that light in others. Through the spirit on contagion, that way we can contribute to the liberation of our from the chains of suffering, ignorance that we are currently immersed in. But each one has to assume really, their own work. And it is hard work that nobody can do for us and each one has to traverse. So that we become really a congregation, a community of saints, channeling the divine light and sharing it with others. Really becoming temples of light. Baba G when he came, he touched me very deeply, because he said this spirit the divine spirit that we have shared, this all week and he has been helping us to liberate for this whole week will never leave this place. So for me that was very touching because I believe that is really the trigger the destiny of this place manifested. Because it is also the for bringer of all the work that is to come. And so this is a call for people to come. Because this was always a sacred powerful place. Regarding as such by the native inhabitants. It has incredibly powerful energies that unite our sacred mountain, lake Titicaca and Cusco, Mache picchu were not harmonized before and are beginning to flower their potential. So soon as Baba G’s arrival here we know many sacred things are happening. And we pray that all the hearts of the people that come here are touched deeply. So that we may all touch our truth. Which is that there is only one humanity, one truth and the love that unites us. Contact info: There is something very special happening in Bolivia, kept under the radar until now and ready to be shared with the world by the Sacha-Runa Shamanic Healing Community Warriors of the New Time. Shamanic Healing and Training Retreat (21 days) BOLIVIAN ANDES & AMAZON September and December 1-22. Sacha Runa team working for more than 30 years serving with Respect, Love, Devotion, Surrender to help people connect to the Light and their inner truth, manifest their potential and fulfill their destiny. Connect to Source, Receive Vision and Wisdom, and Bless All of Creation. Also, 7 and 15 day retreats every month, and individual ceremonies on Wednesdays and Saturdays at both Andean and Amazonian Locations.
Email here for South American information.info@sacharuna.com Contact info@sacharuna.com. Whatsapp: +591 (6) 893-1063https://sacharuna.com.https://www.facebook.com/events/13083…#ShamanicRetreat, #ayahuasca, #wachuma, #SpiritualRetreat, #Bolivia, #DivineLight, #Healing, #shamanicHealing, #Shamanism Dear Friends: Please don’t forget to post your comments about your experience with Shamanic healing ceremony at Sacha Runa. That is how most people find us and are able to access some healing, liberation and blessing.
Please keep the energy moving by spending a couple of minutes writing a review and the copy and paste at the following links:https://retreat.guru/teachers/16803/miguel-kavlinhttps://www.facebook.com/ChamanismoSachaRuna/https://www.tripadvisor.com.ar/Attraction_Review-g294072-d4102414-Reviews-Sacha_Runa_Healing_Shamanism_More-La_Paz_La_Paz_Department.htmlhttps://www.tripadvisor.ca/AttractionProductReview-g294072-d17618139-3_Day_Shamanic_Retreat_Andes_or_Amazon-La_Paz_La_Paz_Department.htmlhttp://pub35.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=2994914635&frmid=180&cmd=showrecent&cp=0https://www.tripadvisor.in/Hotel_Review-g294072-d6561769-Reviews-Wizard_s_Mountains-La_Paz_La_Paz_Department.htmlhttps://www.tripadvisor.com/Hotel_Review-g294072-d2435827-Reviews-Boutique_Eco_Resort_and_Spa_Allkamari-La_Paz_La_Paz_Department.html Note from Sanatra: Our first ceremony with Miguel in beautiful British Columbia was was astounding. We had 13 awakened souls join together to experience and heighten our soul awakening. Miguel is truly a divine experienced teacher of light. He was very attentive to all of our needs safely guiding inward to heighten each individual quest. His presence was powerful, you knew you were in good hands. You know you are gifted to be in trusting mentoring. Upon his arrival, together we all prepared our sacred space in the luxury Tipi. Then freely shared some healing techniques Chakra balancing, meditation and preparation as we aligned and connected together until dark. We then prepared our space to go within. Sitting in our prayer circle, we shared who we were, were we came from, and were asked to be clear on what we were seeking.(To be continued)on cushions with warm blankets, towels, tissues. I suggest a bucket with a lid for purging and a special stone to hold in your mouth as we are not to drink or eat anything during the ceremony. Also a cleanse or enema to have your intestine clear helps with your comfort level. sacred clothes of natural fiber. I noticed those that purified their body of toxins, drugs, alcohol and such before hand had heightened psychedelic experiences.

We are seeking help in the gardens and to run the school of metaphysics, also openings for new teachers and students are available.